Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What is Cervical Cancer
Facts show in Indonesia 37 women diagnosed with cervical cancer each day and an estimated 20 women die of cancer that attacks the cervix (cervical) is every day. But you need not worry because cervical cancer is the only cancer that can be prevented with vaccines.
Female reproductive organs consist of the ovaries and uterus. The lowest part of the uterus is called the cervix, and in direct contact with the vagina.
Need to watch out for cervical disease is often asymptomatic. If any symptom is felt, is usually too late. Outside the menstrual bleeding can be a sign of health problems. If diagnosed with cervical cancer, bleeding is usually a sign already stage four where the organs affected is vast. Small life expectancy.
Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and easily transmitted through genital contact. There are over 100 types of HPV were identified and cervical cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18, 45 and 31.
Early detection programs for cervical cancer can be discovered through a pap smear or VIA (visual inspection acetic acid).
In addition to doing a pap smear can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle and HPV vaccination. The discovery of the HPV vaccine is an important discovery, because this long-awaited vaccine to reduce transmission of HPV infection is an important factor in the occurrence of cervical cancer.
HPV vaccine work the same pattern as other vaccines. Someone with HPV were given injections of the vaccine, the body responds, and the body to form antibodies. These antibodies will then reject high-risk HPV though.
Vaccination is performed for three times, the second injection two months later since the first vaccine is injected, and injected the third vaccination at six months.
Women are prone to cervical cancer are those aged 35-50 years. About 9 out of 10 women who are infected with this virus occurred in the age of 50 years.
In developed countries, entered the age of 10 years is usually the daughter was vaccinated with HPV. Consideration, the average woman starts having sex at age 20. The vaccine will enhance the ability of the body's immune system to recognize and destroy the virus when it enters the body before infection occurs.
Those who have been vaccinated does not mean free of cancer. They still have to meet health care for cervical cancer screening. There are three reasons why it is still a need Pap smears regularly.
First, the vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Second, it may not get adequate dose or get it at the right time, so maybe they do not receive the full benefits of the vaccine.
When, they also do not get full benefit from vaccination if they had already infected with HPV types included in the vaccine.
Although the HPV vaccine has been available in Indonesia since 2007, but this vaccine has not been popular. One problem is that the price is relatively expensive. However, compared with the expenditure to be incurred to treat the disease, the actual cost is not much.
Therefore, do not wait for tomorrow to protect themselves from cancer by vaccination and early detection. Thus, we can help ourselves to avoid the threat of cervical cancer.
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