Friday, July 1, 2011

Spicy foods for health benefits : Chilli

Spicy taste on the tongue is not only effectively increase the appetite, but also efficacious to overcome a number of complaints of illness.

Of course, this spicy foods should be consumed wisely, especially if you have a sensitive stomach or can not tolerate spicy food.

Some benefits chili for health
Lose weight
Chillies contain capsaicin which will speed up your metabolism and helps the body burn calories faster. This happens because capsaicin increases body temperature and plays a role in increasing heart rate. Furthermore, studies show people who like spicy food usually eaten in small portions so that the weight is more awake.

Capsaicin helps increase transpiration and eliminate the annoying symptoms of flu. Spicy foods or chili will also help open the airway, reducing sinusitis, and other flu symptoms.

Smooth breathing
Spicy foods or chili act like espektoran and help people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases breathe better.

Sleep soundly
Researchers from Australia found people who regularly mengasup spicy foods or chili easier to sleep. They also tend to get up earlier and fresher.

Heart healthy
Chili healthy heart by preventing blood clots. Research also shows levels of bad cholesterol / LDL can prevent oxidation that can cause blockage of blood vessels. Capsaicin is also effective against inflammation, which has been identified as risk factors for heart disease.

Spicy foods or chili will circulation and lowers blood pressure. Chili also helps strengthen blood vessel walls as vitamin A and C it.

Improve digestive function
Benefits of chili in the gastrointestinal tract is to increase blood circulation in the stomach and increase the mucus layer. Capsaicin also helps kill the bacteria H. pylori causes stomach ulcers. But if you experience heartburn (heartburn) after a spicy meal, try antiacid tablet that will neutralize the acid in the stomach.

Many studies show regular consumption of spicy foods or chili will reduce the risk of cancer. Capsaicin slowed the growth of cancer cells and in many cases the cancer cells die without harming surrounding healthy cells.

Keeping the mood
Cayenne pepper increases the level of endorphins and serotonin which eliminates pain and gives a feeling of comfort. This hormone can act as fighting stress and depression.

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