Men and women have breast texture under the nipple and surrounding areas. This difference is the male hormone to prevent breast to grow. The data show women are 100 times more likely to experience breast cancer than men.
This condition is because men have less breast tissue than women. There are two common types of breast cancer which attacks the men are:
1. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC), this species began in the gastrointestinal tract of breast and then through the wall and attack the fatty breast tissue
2. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), cancer cells are filling the channels but did not spread to fatty tissue or outside the breast.
Some of the things that makes a man susceptible to breast cancer, namely:
1. Men who undergo estrogen treatment, most people with prostate cancer will be using estrogen as hormonal therapy, these conditions increase the risk of breast cancer.
2. Men with Klinefelter's syndrome, this syndrome makes males have an extra X chromosome that has the male hormone are low but high female hormones.
3. Men are often affected by exposure to radiation, men who are often exposed to radiation in the chest have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
4. Men who have liver disease, this is because the liver plays an important role in the metabolism of sex hormones. Number of male sex hormones that have severe liver disease such as cirrhosis will have a higher female hormones.
5. Men who are obesity, this is because fat cells transform male hormones into female hormones so that higher estrogen levels and increased risk of breast cancer.
Generally, symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast, swelling, any wrinkles in the skin around the breast, redness or scaling of the nipple and breast skin, nipple enter into and discharge from the nipple.
If you find a lump then consult a doctor immediately, because the lump in male breast can be due to gynecomastia or non-cancerous breast tumors. That requires further investigations such as clinical trials of breast, mammography, breast ultrasound and biopsy.