Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What is Cervical Cancer
Facts show in Indonesia 37 women diagnosed with cervical cancer each day and an estimated 20 women die of cancer that attacks the cervix (cervical) is every day. But you need not worry because cervical cancer is the only cancer that can be prevented with vaccines.
Female reproductive organs consist of the ovaries and uterus. The lowest part of the uterus is called the cervix, and in direct contact with the vagina.
Need to watch out for cervical disease is often asymptomatic. If any symptom is felt, is usually too late. Outside the menstrual bleeding can be a sign of health problems. If diagnosed with cervical cancer, bleeding is usually a sign already stage four where the organs affected is vast. Small life expectancy.
Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and easily transmitted through genital contact. There are over 100 types of HPV were identified and cervical cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18, 45 and 31.
Early detection programs for cervical cancer can be discovered through a pap smear or VIA (visual inspection acetic acid).
In addition to doing a pap smear can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle and HPV vaccination. The discovery of the HPV vaccine is an important discovery, because this long-awaited vaccine to reduce transmission of HPV infection is an important factor in the occurrence of cervical cancer.
HPV vaccine work the same pattern as other vaccines. Someone with HPV were given injections of the vaccine, the body responds, and the body to form antibodies. These antibodies will then reject high-risk HPV though.
Vaccination is performed for three times, the second injection two months later since the first vaccine is injected, and injected the third vaccination at six months.
Women are prone to cervical cancer are those aged 35-50 years. About 9 out of 10 women who are infected with this virus occurred in the age of 50 years.
In developed countries, entered the age of 10 years is usually the daughter was vaccinated with HPV. Consideration, the average woman starts having sex at age 20. The vaccine will enhance the ability of the body's immune system to recognize and destroy the virus when it enters the body before infection occurs.
Those who have been vaccinated does not mean free of cancer. They still have to meet health care for cervical cancer screening. There are three reasons why it is still a need Pap smears regularly.
First, the vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Second, it may not get adequate dose or get it at the right time, so maybe they do not receive the full benefits of the vaccine.
When, they also do not get full benefit from vaccination if they had already infected with HPV types included in the vaccine.
Although the HPV vaccine has been available in Indonesia since 2007, but this vaccine has not been popular. One problem is that the price is relatively expensive. However, compared with the expenditure to be incurred to treat the disease, the actual cost is not much.
Therefore, do not wait for tomorrow to protect themselves from cancer by vaccination and early detection. Thus, we can help ourselves to avoid the threat of cervical cancer.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
How to increase Memory your Children
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Memory Matching Game for your children to improve memory |
ABILITY memory every child is different and not always determined by genetic factors.
ability of memory is also determined by stimulation (stimulation) and the formation that started early.
The role of parents is crucial in the process of formation.
Here are the things that need to be noticed by the parents:
1. Nutrition
Their memories are part of children's cognitive and influenced by physical and environmental factors. Parents should watch your intake of foods associated with the development of the brain and other organs in the fetus from the womb until birth. If the content is problematic, it will affect fetal development, especially the brain.
Provide nutrition, vitamins, folic acid is sufficient to stimulate a child's brain that would eventually affect his memory. For example if a child is iron deficient as a result the child will easily sleepy, so children are not optimal when receiving or recall information.
2. Enough oxygen
Oxygen demand is also important. If the oxygen supply is met then the blood circulation will be smooth. Children are more outdoor activities, so it will support the cognitive process. Increased memory capabilities of children.
3. Given the singing
Many ways can be done to improve memory and sharpen the acuity child's thinking. One of them learn while singing. Simple things is capable of providing stimulation to the sharpness of memory such as remembering colors, letters, numbers, through the song.
4. Given the object
Cognitive part of children still in the developmental process, therefore, in taking children to remember things have to use something (the media) to concrete. Children will be easier to understand using visual aids rather than just with words. For example in introducing the shape, color or visual symbols.
5. Memorization through fairy tales
Read to your child before bedtime storybook. When finished, take your child to recall the story the story, such as character names, place names and so on. By doing repetitions, long the child will get used to listen to and record it in their memory. In addition to story books can also puppets hand receipts, pictures that can be changed or improvised parents.
6. Mimic the movement
Physical activity at the age of five is needed to develop sensors and motor as one way to explore the environment. This can be utilized to simultaneously provide the ability to remember stimuli in children.
The trick, take the kids mother mimicked. For example, jump, run. If the child is successful, proceed to a stage that is more difficult with more movement. As a result, the child will get used to remember something that is received quickly and is able to "call" his memory back.
7. Associate form
If Moms want to introduce various types of numbers on your child, using a form of associate certain objects in the hope the child will easily remember. Example, number 2 is like a duck, number 4 as the bench upside down.
8. Toy
If you want to introduce toys, choose toys that are suitable to stimulate the child's memory. Recommend toys that have such procedures; snake ladder, monopoly, and so on. So the stress on the procedure, what to do in the first stage, then where and what next, there are repetitions gradually. Then the children will remember these repetitions.Buy Memory Matching Game for your child
9. Given through images, sounds, and movements
There are several types of learning for children, the visuals (pictures), auditory (song / voice), or kinesthetic (movement / props). It should be noted! For children with type learn visually, he's more interested in something that is its shape (picture) - look straight ahead. For example, if you want to tell you about the tree, not just using words, but also there should be pictures.
For children with type-auditory or kinesthetic learning, he will easily remember things by sound or movement. For example there is a movement in the story ran, take the child come running. For children who easily learn the movements, the part when he was running, it will unlock the memory. Now, through fairy tales, there is usually a combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic when children recounted.
10. The concept of mind mapping
The concept of mind mapping can be Moms teach when the child has begun to recognize shapes, colors, visual symbols. This method should not use the words, but using images. For example, introducing the concept of home. At home it's usually no cabinets, doors, desks, chairs, windows. Then in the yard, no trees, grass, or flowers. All that must be spelled out in pictures.
Other objects which may Moms teach with this method for example human body parts or cars. That way, your memory your child is trained from an early age and can help the learning process when he attended elementary school where he did not have to memorize.
Buy Memory Matching Game for your child
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IDM CC 7.3.1 is Solution for your Firefox 5.0
Firefox has new update, It’s Firefox 5.0. There’re new function. This upgrade makes some addons not compatible anymore. For example, IDM CC. Usually, if you go to video-streaming site, (e.g. Youtube) you will notice that there’s a button that allow IDM to download the current video played. But now, if you go to Youtube, there’s no button to download because IDM CC not compatible with Firefox 5.0
IDM CC is a IDM integration module for Mozilla intercepts downloads from Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers and transfers them to Internet Download Manager using IDM API. The extension also adds the following browser context menu items: “Download with IDM”, “Download all links with IDM”, “Download FLV video with IDM” and IDM Download Panel that appears on top of a web-player when IDM detects a multimedia request from the web-player. The extension requires the installation of Internet Download Manager (IDM). IDM will increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume, schedule, and organize downloads. Also IDM will resume unfinished downloads due to network problems, or unexpected power outages. The program features a full-fledged site grabber that downloads files that are specified with filters, for example, all pictures from a Web site, different parts of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. The program supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and MMS protocols, and has an adaptive download accelerator for MP3 audio and MPEG video files. Internet Download Manager can be used to download FLV videos from YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV, and other popular sites.
If you want those function above available on your Firefox 5, you can download the IDM CC 7.3.1, the link is below
Download IDM CC 7.3.1
if, you dont have IDM 6.6, download here
How to install add on from file:
1. CTRL + O
2. Browse file
3. Restart Firefox 5
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IDM CC is a IDM integration module for Mozilla intercepts downloads from Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers and transfers them to Internet Download Manager using IDM API. The extension also adds the following browser context menu items: “Download with IDM”, “Download all links with IDM”, “Download FLV video with IDM” and IDM Download Panel that appears on top of a web-player when IDM detects a multimedia request from the web-player. The extension requires the installation of Internet Download Manager (IDM). IDM will increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume, schedule, and organize downloads. Also IDM will resume unfinished downloads due to network problems, or unexpected power outages. The program features a full-fledged site grabber that downloads files that are specified with filters, for example, all pictures from a Web site, different parts of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. The program supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and MMS protocols, and has an adaptive download accelerator for MP3 audio and MPEG video files. Internet Download Manager can be used to download FLV videos from YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV, and other popular sites.
If you want those function above available on your Firefox 5, you can download the IDM CC 7.3.1, the link is below
Download IDM CC 7.3.1
if, you dont have IDM 6.6, download here
How to install add on from file:
1. CTRL + O
2. Browse file
3. Restart Firefox 5
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Blackberry Playbook 7 Inch - Available 16GB, 32GB, 64GB
In addition to ultra-fast Wireless-N Wi-Fi support, this PlayBook model features a 1 GHz dual-core processor, 64 GB of storage, 1 GB of RAM, GPS for navigation and location-based services, dual HD webcams for video chats and snapping pics, and a highly intuitive BlackBerry Tablet OS based on powerful, user-friendly QNX technology. Plus, you'll be able to discover new apps via BlackBerry App World.
The PlayBook also offers a high-fidelity web experience with support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1, Adobe Mobile AIR and HTML-5--enabling you to enjoy all of the sites, games, media and richness of the full Internet. And you'll enjoy immersive 3D games thanks to the built-in accelerometer and 6-axis motion sensing (gyroscope).
Key Features
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What's in the Box
BlackBerry PlayBook , USB cable, BlackBerry charger, cleaning cloth, operating instructions
You'll get 90 days of complimentary technical support. Speak with a BlackBerry expert if you need help or just want to learn more about your tablet's unique features.
Buy Blackberry Playbook - Available 64GB, 32GB, 16GB
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The PlayBook also offers a high-fidelity web experience with support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1, Adobe Mobile AIR and HTML-5--enabling you to enjoy all of the sites, games, media and richness of the full Internet. And you'll enjoy immersive 3D games thanks to the built-in accelerometer and 6-axis motion sensing (gyroscope).
Key Features
- Uncompromised Web Browsing
- Multitasking
- Stunning Multimedia
- Ultra Portable
- More Apps, More Choice
- Business Ready
- BlackBerry Bridge
What's in the Box
BlackBerry PlayBook , USB cable, BlackBerry charger, cleaning cloth, operating instructions
You'll get 90 days of complimentary technical support. Speak with a BlackBerry expert if you need help or just want to learn more about your tablet's unique features.
Buy Blackberry Playbook - Available 64GB, 32GB, 16GB
More Information about Blackberry Playbook
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Friday, June 24, 2011
How to Improve Memory
Memory acuity will decrease naturally as we age. To maintain or improve memory and concentration, it is worth the consumption of foods such as tomatoes, watermelon seeds, or broccoli. Nutritional content makes memory is maintained sharpness.
Alzheimer's disease is one that is now being feared. Alzheimer's causes a sharp decline in brain function during old age before leaving the people can not do anything - anything.
There are a number of recommended food ingredients, to be eaten on a regular basis so that memory is maintained properly.
Fish oil
Species of fish such as mackarel, tuna, salmon and other marine fish species have oil with a source of omega3 fatty acids needed by the brain. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, fish also contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and iodine are good for the nerves of the brain and hone a sharper memory.
According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, peanuts or peanut butter contains fats that are good for the body. In addition, nuts are also a high source of vitamin E that can keep the body not only of heart attacks but also improve the working system to the brain.
Food from grain such as cereals, wheatbrand, and whole-wheat pasta provides vitamins B12 and B6 can improve and maintain memory. Also a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment that can progress to Alzheimer's disease.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds from pumpkin seeds contain zinc which is good for improving and maintaining the sharpness of the brain and mind.
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and antioxidants that can help protect against this type of damage caused by free radicals caused due to aging.
Vitamin C in Blackcurrent already known to have the power to increase mental agility in thinking. Able to keep the brain from toxins from the environment or food, so that it can prevent memory loss.
According to research at Tufts University and the Journal of Neuroscience, blueberry extract can help maintain and improve memory and brain function.
Broccoli is a source of vitamin K, which is well known to improve cognitive function and ability of the brain in thinking.
Buy Vitamin Herbal from Naturessunshine at Amazon
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Download Firefox 5.0 Final
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Firefox 5 |
Mozilla just released Firefox 5, and while most of the updates are under the hood, there are a few cool new features worth mentioning.
"Do not track" options for Android, better visibility in Preferences of desktop version
CSS animation support, which helps developers build more dynamic websites
Better support for JavaScript and Canvas
Updated support for MathML, HTML 5, XHR, and SMIL.
All the mumbo jumbo basically means that your browsing experience is going to be even faster with Firefox 5. It adds updated compatibility with new web standards, so it's an update you might want to download now.
Download Firefox 5.0 Final
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
How to Increase Quality of Red Blood Cells
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strawberry increase red blood cell |
Strawberry have many health benefits. One of them is able to maintain red blood cells from the damaging effects of oxidation process, so the body become stronger to face the risks of disease.
Benefit strawberry and antioxidants in it is already known and proven by
researchers from the Marche Polytechnic University and the University of Granada prove it directly in humans.
In the experiment whose results appeared in the journal Food Chemistry, researchers involved 12 participants. Each was given an additional 500 grams of strawberry food every day, and blood samples taken on day 4, 8, 12, 16 and a month afterwards.
The results of blood tests showed that consumption of strawberries on a regular basis can increase the capacity of red blood cells or erythrocytes to accommodate the content of antioxidants. Other impacts, the erythrocytes became more resistant to hemolysis or damage caused by oxidation process. The better the quality of red blood cells, the smaller the chance of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
These benefits can also be obtained by eating a strawberry on a smaller servings daily. In that experiment, the researchers also found that consumption of 150 and 200 grams of strawberry gran per day also could provide a similar effect.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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prostate |
Prostate disorder is a disease that almost certainly affects men in their old age. It is estimated that 4 in 5 men aged 50 years of experience prostate problems.
The prostate is part of the male sex organ size pecan seed under the bladder, is located in the pelvic area. Prostate function is to issue a mixture of fluids and enzymes necessary for the sperm to stay healthy and agile.
Generally there are three disorders that threaten the prostate.
1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostate enlargement occurs due to disruption of hormonal imbalance in middle age. Increased hormone is caused by aging and decomposition functions that are less so the size of the prostate gland will continue to grow.
An enlarged prostate can narrow path so that the pee pee will be disrupted. Urine that is not immediately released will accumulate in the bladder so that it becomes a nest breeding bacteria that ended in inflammation of the prostate or erectile problems.
Symptoms of prostate enlargement, among others, can not stand urination, weak urine shot, afraid to urinate because they feel pain, and frequent awakening at night to urinate.
2. Prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The cause of prostatitis is a factor of infection or other factors that irritate the prostate gland. The main symptoms include discomfort in the area around the anus or genitals, fever, pain during or after intercourse, or a thick clear discharge from the genitals. Discomfort during intercourse experienced by patients can also cause decreased libido.
To prevent this disease by avoiding anal sex.
3. ProstateCancer
You need to be wary if your urine or semen mixed with blood, suffered impotence, bone pain, especially the spine or hip, because it can be suspected as a symptom of cancer. To be sure it is necessary examinations, including digital rectal, laboratory tests or a biopsy if it is found suspicion of prostate cancer.
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Boston : Vancouver Riots 2011
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boston to vancouver |
Not only did the city's beloved Canucks lose in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup final, it was shut out 4-0. Now a scene reminiscent of 1994 has emerged, when the city rioted under similar circumstances, with random fires, flipped cars, pole climbing, and riot police. (Scroll down for video.)
Beer bottles were tossed at giant TV screens in the game's dying moments, cars and garbage cans were set fire, and fistfights broke out, per the Canadian Press. Flash bombs were used to try to disperse the angry crowd, CBC reports.
See photos from tonight's Vancouver riots here.
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vancouver riots 2011 |
Most reports and eyewitnesses, however, say the trouble has been caused by a small segment of fans. "I think it was a few people ... Everybody else is watching, some are cheering," said one eyewitness.
Blood in our streets. I saw people on the ground, bleeding. Shattered glass everywhere. Police cars set alight. Major bridges are now closed, preventing public access into the downtown core. Transit is plugged up, there’s no way out. More police and fire crews are arriving, from the suburbs, but again, it seems too late. And as I write this, the sun has just set. Vancouver, what a disgrace.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
1p36 deletion syndrome
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Deletion Syndrome |
The first cases of 1p36 deletion syndrome were described in the 1980s. However, since many of these individuals also had other chromosomal imbalances, symptoms varied widely. The reason it took so long to recognize the condition as a distinct chromosome deletion syndrome is that the deletions causing the disorder are too small to be detected in a routine chromosomal analysis. FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) and DNA-based technology known as MLPA (multiple ligation probe amplification) used in testing have aided in diagnosing an increasing number of cases since the 1990s.
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Nutrition Heart Health Carers
Regular exercise, not smoking and not drinking alcoholic beverages can indeed maintain heart health. However, not quite with it alone. Foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, nuts or seeds is heart healthy nutrition guards. Consumption routinely makes your heart strong and healthy.
Here are some fiber-rich foods that provide nutrients that make your heart healthy and strong
Oats contain beta glucan, which is a good water-soluble fiber to help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood so the heart function more awake.
Beans - Grains
Wheat, cantel, and various types of seeds - other grains have a natural fiber, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, and a number of antioxidants that are good for the heart and can reduce blood pressure.
Protein in soybean has been well proven to prevent heart attacks. Protein content in soybeans is very good for red meat protein replacement. Processed soy such as tempeh, tofu and other soy preparations can be a healthy distraction menu.
Spinach, broccoli, bok choy, and kale are rich in calories, fiber, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium and low in fat. Eat green vegetables regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by 11%.
The content of vitamins in tomatoes can act as a blood purifier. Eating tomatoes regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease. We recommend that you eat fresh tomatoes as a salad or mixed salad.
Apples contain a phytochemical called quercetin which acts as an anti-inflammatory and can help prevent blood clotting. Apples also contain fiber and vitamins. Eat an apple with a mixture of walnuts and almonds as a healthy snack.
Olive oil
Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats and antioxidants are good for maintaining heart health and can also reduce levels of LDL cholesterol.
Almonds contain vitamin B17, E and minerals like magnesium, iron, and other sources of monounsaturated fats are good for lowering cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.
Red Wine
Drinking red wine proved good for the heart. Because red wine has higher antioxidant called resverartrol. The content of both compounds that protect heart health.
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More Information about - 500 Heart-Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes: Comfort Food Favorites That Both Your Family and Doctor Will Love
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Here are some fiber-rich foods that provide nutrients that make your heart healthy and strong
Oats contain beta glucan, which is a good water-soluble fiber to help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood so the heart function more awake.
Beans - Grains
Wheat, cantel, and various types of seeds - other grains have a natural fiber, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, and a number of antioxidants that are good for the heart and can reduce blood pressure.
Protein in soybean has been well proven to prevent heart attacks. Protein content in soybeans is very good for red meat protein replacement. Processed soy such as tempeh, tofu and other soy preparations can be a healthy distraction menu.
Spinach, broccoli, bok choy, and kale are rich in calories, fiber, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium and low in fat. Eat green vegetables regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by 11%.
The content of vitamins in tomatoes can act as a blood purifier. Eating tomatoes regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease. We recommend that you eat fresh tomatoes as a salad or mixed salad.
Apples contain a phytochemical called quercetin which acts as an anti-inflammatory and can help prevent blood clotting. Apples also contain fiber and vitamins. Eat an apple with a mixture of walnuts and almonds as a healthy snack.
Olive oil
Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats and antioxidants are good for maintaining heart health and can also reduce levels of LDL cholesterol.
Almonds contain vitamin B17, E and minerals like magnesium, iron, and other sources of monounsaturated fats are good for lowering cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.
Red Wine
Drinking red wine proved good for the heart. Because red wine has higher antioxidant called resverartrol. The content of both compounds that protect heart health.
Buy Now and Get Save 34% - 500 Heart-Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes: Comfort Food Favorites That Both Your Family and Doctor Will Love
More Information about - 500 Heart-Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes: Comfort Food Favorites That Both Your Family and Doctor Will Love
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Monday, June 20, 2011
Cara Gila Menurunkan Berat Badan
Berbagai cara dilakukan orang untuk dapat menurunkan berat badan, mulai dari mengurangi porsi makan, berolahraga atau cara alternatif lainnya.Tapi beberapa cara yang digunakan ada yang tergolong gila. Apa saja?
Inilah beberapa cara yang dianggap paling gila untuk menurunkan berat badan:
1. Memuntahkan makanan atau bulimia
Orang-orang yang membuat dirinya muntah untuk menurunkan berat badan biasanya memiliki penyakit yang dikenal sebagai bulimia. Bulimia termasuk gangguan makan yang membuat orang makan berlebihan dan kemudian memuntahkannya.
Setelah menyantap makanan lezat, hal pertama yang terlintas dalam pikiran orang bulimia adalah bagaimana cara membuat dirinya muntah. Metode ini sangatlah gila, karena bisa berisiko pada kesehatan. Orang bulimia dapat mengalami erosi enamel gigi, dehidrasi, kerusakan perut dan kerongkongan serta komplikasi lainnya.
2. Hipnotisme
Ada juga orang yang mencoba hipnotisme untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan mencoba untuk mengubah perilaku. Mayo Clinic mengatakan bahwa orang-orang yang mencoba untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan hipnotis mungkin kehilangan beberapa kilogram, jika dilakukan dengan kombinasi diet dan olahraga.
3. Diet kentang
Ada beberapa orang yang mencoba menurunkan berat badan dengan hanya makan kentang setiap kali makan. Kentang merupakan sumber serat dan vitamin C yang baik, tapi sayangnya tidak menyediakan banyak vitamin dan mineral lainnya yang penting untuk hidup sehat.
Selain itu, indeks glikemik kentang sangat tinggi. Orang yang sudah gemuk dan orang yang diabetes tidak akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari makan kentang tiga kali sehari, setiap hari.
4. Merokok
Beberapa orang merokok untuk mengurangi keinginannya untuk makan. Orang-orang ini umumnya berpikir bahwa perokok biasanya jauh lebih ramping dibandingkan non-perokok.
Selain memotong nafsu makan, nikotin juga dianggap dapat meningkatkan laju metabolisme. Ketika metabolisme meningkat, lebih banyak energi yang digunakan untuk melakukan fungsi tubuh. Namun penelitian belum membuktikan bahwa merokok dapat meningkatkan laju metabolisme secara
Dan dalam kasus apapun, merokok telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai macam penyakit berbahaya, seperti kanker, penyakit jantung, stroke dan diabetes.
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Inilah beberapa cara yang dianggap paling gila untuk menurunkan berat badan:
1. Memuntahkan makanan atau bulimia
Orang-orang yang membuat dirinya muntah untuk menurunkan berat badan biasanya memiliki penyakit yang dikenal sebagai bulimia. Bulimia termasuk gangguan makan yang membuat orang makan berlebihan dan kemudian memuntahkannya.
Setelah menyantap makanan lezat, hal pertama yang terlintas dalam pikiran orang bulimia adalah bagaimana cara membuat dirinya muntah. Metode ini sangatlah gila, karena bisa berisiko pada kesehatan. Orang bulimia dapat mengalami erosi enamel gigi, dehidrasi, kerusakan perut dan kerongkongan serta komplikasi lainnya.
2. Hipnotisme
Ada juga orang yang mencoba hipnotisme untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan mencoba untuk mengubah perilaku. Mayo Clinic mengatakan bahwa orang-orang yang mencoba untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan hipnotis mungkin kehilangan beberapa kilogram, jika dilakukan dengan kombinasi diet dan olahraga.
3. Diet kentang
Ada beberapa orang yang mencoba menurunkan berat badan dengan hanya makan kentang setiap kali makan. Kentang merupakan sumber serat dan vitamin C yang baik, tapi sayangnya tidak menyediakan banyak vitamin dan mineral lainnya yang penting untuk hidup sehat.
Selain itu, indeks glikemik kentang sangat tinggi. Orang yang sudah gemuk dan orang yang diabetes tidak akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari makan kentang tiga kali sehari, setiap hari.
4. Merokok
Beberapa orang merokok untuk mengurangi keinginannya untuk makan. Orang-orang ini umumnya berpikir bahwa perokok biasanya jauh lebih ramping dibandingkan non-perokok.
Selain memotong nafsu makan, nikotin juga dianggap dapat meningkatkan laju metabolisme. Ketika metabolisme meningkat, lebih banyak energi yang digunakan untuk melakukan fungsi tubuh. Namun penelitian belum membuktikan bahwa merokok dapat meningkatkan laju metabolisme secara
Dan dalam kasus apapun, merokok telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai macam penyakit berbahaya, seperti kanker, penyakit jantung, stroke dan diabetes.
Disc 41%, Buy now The 28-Day Breakthrough Plan for Losing Weight, Getting Fit, and Transforming Your Life
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
How good sleeping position
Choose the wrong sleeping position can cause you to wake up in a state of aching or stiff neck and sick. Well, here's some tips to sleep comfortably:
The position of the Leaning
In general, side sleeping position is good for health because it is effective to reduce snoring. Sleeping position with your knees slightly bent and raised to the chest with a pillow clamped highly recommended to prevent back pain.
Side sleeping position is most comfortable sleeping position for pregnant women. In addition to the blood circulation, while the enlarged abdomen, supine sleeping position can make the shortness of breath.
The downside of this sleeping position is to accelerate the onset of wrinkles on the face. "All the pressure will be on one side facing the pillow. This position also cause breast sagging fast," said Dr.Roshini Rajapaksa, medical editor of Health magazine.
The position of the Supine
This sleep position is ideal to prevent pain in the neck and back, reducing the reflux of stomach acid, minimizing wrinkles and keep the breast form that is not easy to loose.
Unfortunately this supine sleeping position can cause snoring. For those who snore often are advised to use a soft pillow for the head and neck are not propped up too high. Sleep on your back are also often causes back pain, because it put a pillow under your knees so the legs slightly bent. If the bedding is too soft, put the board thickness of approximately 1 cm below the sheets.
The position of the Prone
For those who often complain of back pain, you should avoid the prone sleeping position, but given a wedge pillow stomach. Sleeping position like this is difficult to maintain a neutral position for the spine.
Sleeping on his stomach will put pressure on joints and muscles that irritate nerves and cause pain, and numbness. Also in this position the head will be on one side in a long time so that the neck will be stiff.
The position of the curved
Sleeping position on your side with knees bent and slightly raised to the chest such as fetal position is not recommended. "The position of this curve will push the diaphragm so that it can interfere with breathing," said Dody Chang, acupuncturist from the Center for Integrative Medicine, USA.
He added, curved sleeping position can also cause back pain, facial wrinkles faster, and the breasts sag. Nevertheless fetal position sleeping style is often perceived uncomfortable by pregnant women.
Normal price $449.99, Buy now get Disc 55% - Dark Brown Faux Leather Queen Size Bed Headboard & Footboard
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The position of the Leaning
In general, side sleeping position is good for health because it is effective to reduce snoring. Sleeping position with your knees slightly bent and raised to the chest with a pillow clamped highly recommended to prevent back pain.
Side sleeping position is most comfortable sleeping position for pregnant women. In addition to the blood circulation, while the enlarged abdomen, supine sleeping position can make the shortness of breath.
The downside of this sleeping position is to accelerate the onset of wrinkles on the face. "All the pressure will be on one side facing the pillow. This position also cause breast sagging fast," said Dr.Roshini Rajapaksa, medical editor of Health magazine.
The position of the Supine
This sleep position is ideal to prevent pain in the neck and back, reducing the reflux of stomach acid, minimizing wrinkles and keep the breast form that is not easy to loose.
Unfortunately this supine sleeping position can cause snoring. For those who snore often are advised to use a soft pillow for the head and neck are not propped up too high. Sleep on your back are also often causes back pain, because it put a pillow under your knees so the legs slightly bent. If the bedding is too soft, put the board thickness of approximately 1 cm below the sheets.
The position of the Prone
For those who often complain of back pain, you should avoid the prone sleeping position, but given a wedge pillow stomach. Sleeping position like this is difficult to maintain a neutral position for the spine.
Sleeping on his stomach will put pressure on joints and muscles that irritate nerves and cause pain, and numbness. Also in this position the head will be on one side in a long time so that the neck will be stiff.
The position of the curved
Sleeping position on your side with knees bent and slightly raised to the chest such as fetal position is not recommended. "The position of this curve will push the diaphragm so that it can interfere with breathing," said Dody Chang, acupuncturist from the Center for Integrative Medicine, USA.
He added, curved sleeping position can also cause back pain, facial wrinkles faster, and the breasts sag. Nevertheless fetal position sleeping style is often perceived uncomfortable by pregnant women.
Normal price $449.99, Buy now get Disc 55% - Dark Brown Faux Leather Queen Size Bed Headboard & Footboard
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
How is the fastest way to become rich and successful?
How is the fastest way to become rich and successful?
one of which is by many associate with the rich and successful.
Why did it happen? because by associating with the rich and successful, can provide positive impact and we can learn what they do, the actions and their way of thinking.
Well, what are the habits of wealthy people who make them rich and successful?
Here are his top five:
1. Saving
They shall mean the saving here is not stingy. The rich can buy all the goods that are sold in stores. They can shop at will every day. But they will select items that they really need and have important uses for himself.
2. Risen from failure
Do not see the rich people who succeed from current conditions.
They do not mean always smooth in the course of their lives.
But the remarkable thing they do is they never complain when faced with a problem even when the problem
make them bankrupt. They will always find another way and then tried to rise from the ground up.
Steve Jobs, was fired from Apple, the company he founded, at the age of 30 years.
But now he is back to being the backbone of Apple with its flagship products
that rules the world such as i-Pad, Apple's latest popular products. Before returning to Apple,
Steve Jobs got up with established media company, Pixar, among others, produce
the popular movie Finding Nemo that.
3. Keeping reputation
Successful people are able to maintain the good name and reputation. When a problem happened, he would not be long in a position with the stock collapsed because of his reputation,
new opportunities will be easily found. As Steve Jobs on, when he
expelled from Apple, he could still get financial support and so forth from a third party because of the reputation he has and could prove to make it rise.
4. Ingenious in the act
The billionaire did not just spit the money. For example, giving freely to family or friends without knowing the money would be used for anything.
Because it could have used that money for things that are not inappropriate or violates
law that once could be dragged into court. Among the many cases is in the form of political donations or family problems and friends. Therefore, when he felt the need to say "no" he would say "no" when going to give something. And money was not given. There are astute advice to ease this problem (eliminating bad taste) that they (the billionaire's) has a set of these contributions. Ingenuity also performed when negotiating with prospective clients. Many people who fall because of the client or business partner who was easily compromised by unlawful acts. Therefore, the billionaire always astute in looking at potential partners.
5. Buying cheap goods
It will probably wonder if there is a billionaire bidding on an item he wants is so fierce. But many of those who did this. Bid or wait for the price of a product falls is the way the billionaire frugality. One example is John Paulson, a wealthy fund manager. When he wanted the dream house he had to wait for the auction house's market entry in order to get the cheapest price. Though he could have immediately bought it when it was first interested in buying a house owner who offered it. Yet
He believes once the house was going into the auction market.
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one of which is by many associate with the rich and successful.
Why did it happen? because by associating with the rich and successful, can provide positive impact and we can learn what they do, the actions and their way of thinking.
Well, what are the habits of wealthy people who make them rich and successful?
Here are his top five:
1. Saving
They shall mean the saving here is not stingy. The rich can buy all the goods that are sold in stores. They can shop at will every day. But they will select items that they really need and have important uses for himself.
2. Risen from failure
Do not see the rich people who succeed from current conditions.
They do not mean always smooth in the course of their lives.
But the remarkable thing they do is they never complain when faced with a problem even when the problem
make them bankrupt. They will always find another way and then tried to rise from the ground up.
Steve Jobs, was fired from Apple, the company he founded, at the age of 30 years.
But now he is back to being the backbone of Apple with its flagship products
that rules the world such as i-Pad, Apple's latest popular products. Before returning to Apple,
Steve Jobs got up with established media company, Pixar, among others, produce
the popular movie Finding Nemo that.
3. Keeping reputation
Successful people are able to maintain the good name and reputation. When a problem happened, he would not be long in a position with the stock collapsed because of his reputation,
new opportunities will be easily found. As Steve Jobs on, when he
expelled from Apple, he could still get financial support and so forth from a third party because of the reputation he has and could prove to make it rise.
4. Ingenious in the act
The billionaire did not just spit the money. For example, giving freely to family or friends without knowing the money would be used for anything.
Because it could have used that money for things that are not inappropriate or violates
law that once could be dragged into court. Among the many cases is in the form of political donations or family problems and friends. Therefore, when he felt the need to say "no" he would say "no" when going to give something. And money was not given. There are astute advice to ease this problem (eliminating bad taste) that they (the billionaire's) has a set of these contributions. Ingenuity also performed when negotiating with prospective clients. Many people who fall because of the client or business partner who was easily compromised by unlawful acts. Therefore, the billionaire always astute in looking at potential partners.
5. Buying cheap goods
It will probably wonder if there is a billionaire bidding on an item he wants is so fierce. But many of those who did this. Bid or wait for the price of a product falls is the way the billionaire frugality. One example is John Paulson, a wealthy fund manager. When he wanted the dream house he had to wait for the auction house's market entry in order to get the cheapest price. Though he could have immediately bought it when it was first interested in buying a house owner who offered it. Yet
He believes once the house was going into the auction market.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Mulai sekarang makanlah dengan pelan
Sebagian besar wanita atau juga pria menghabiskan waktunya dengan pola diet yang ketat dan cenderung salah. Padahal yang perlu dilakukan untuk tetap ramping berasal dari pikiran kita sendiri.
Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Harvard University menemukan kaitan antara fokus dengan makanan yang kita konsumsi dapat membantu mencapai bobot tubuh ideal. Dengan fokus saat makan, kita lebih mudah “mendengarkan” apa yang disampaikan tubuh saat telah kenyang. Sebanyak 42 responden pria dan wanita yang mengikuti saran peneliti bahkan telah mampu menghilangkan bobot tubuh mereka hingga rata-rata 1 kilogram.
Makan dengan fokus dan pelan juga telah membantu responden mengontrol lapar. Peneliti mengaku, sistem pencernaan ternyata melepas hormon yang menandakan apakah seseorang masih membutuhkan makanan atau telah kenyang. Ini berarti saat seseorang makan terlalu cepat, maka dia dijamin akan terlalu banyak makan.
Perlu diketahui juga bahwa makan sambil melakukan hal yang lain juga mudah membuat kita gemuk, misalnya sambil menonton televisi maupun bermain game di komputer. Sebab, kegiatan sambil makan dapat menghentikan “pendengaran” kita saat tubuh telah kenyang –yang membuat kita semakin memburu camilan di sore hari. Read More......
Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Harvard University menemukan kaitan antara fokus dengan makanan yang kita konsumsi dapat membantu mencapai bobot tubuh ideal. Dengan fokus saat makan, kita lebih mudah “mendengarkan” apa yang disampaikan tubuh saat telah kenyang. Sebanyak 42 responden pria dan wanita yang mengikuti saran peneliti bahkan telah mampu menghilangkan bobot tubuh mereka hingga rata-rata 1 kilogram.
Makan dengan fokus dan pelan juga telah membantu responden mengontrol lapar. Peneliti mengaku, sistem pencernaan ternyata melepas hormon yang menandakan apakah seseorang masih membutuhkan makanan atau telah kenyang. Ini berarti saat seseorang makan terlalu cepat, maka dia dijamin akan terlalu banyak makan.
Perlu diketahui juga bahwa makan sambil melakukan hal yang lain juga mudah membuat kita gemuk, misalnya sambil menonton televisi maupun bermain game di komputer. Sebab, kegiatan sambil makan dapat menghentikan “pendengaran” kita saat tubuh telah kenyang –yang membuat kita semakin memburu camilan di sore hari. Read More......
Monday, June 13, 2011
Cantik Tanpa MakeUp
Terkadang, Anda merasa wajah tergantung dengan make-up dan memutuskan untuk berhenti sesaat dari produk tata rias. Hanya saja, mungkin Anda juga jadi merasa kurang percaya diri bila keluar rumah tanpa riasan. Nah, coba simak tips dari pakar yang membantu Anda terlihat lebih cantik dan percaya diri tanpa perlu memulas terlalu banyak produk tata rias ke wajah!
1. Hindari dehidrasi pada kulit
Semakin kering kulit Anda, maka semakin tua penampilan Anda. Kembalikan rona di wajah dengan menggunakan pelembab yang mengandung antioksidan dan vitamin C, anjur Misbah Khan, MD, asisten profesor di bidang dermatologi klinis pada Weill Cornell Medical College. "Kedua bahan ini akan membantu membuat kulit jadi lebih sehat dan juga kenyal," katanya. Pakailah pelembab pada saat kondisi kulit Anda masih sedikit lembab, agar efeknya lebih terasa.
2. Kenakan pakaian berwarna terang
Warna-warni cerah akan membantu membuat kulit Anda terlihat lebih merona dan segar. "Warna seperti merah akan memberi semburat alami nan segar di pipi Anda," kata Kiran Rai, direktur kreatif dari Sir Alistair Rai, salah satu brand pakaian wanita di Amerika Serikat.
3. Semprotkan facial mist
Jika Anda kurang tidur semalam dan ingin terlihat lebih cerah tanpa bantuan bedak ataupun concealer, coba gunakan facial mist. Semprotkan ke wajah untuk menciptakan kesegaran dalam waktu instan. Jangan lupa untuk selalu membawa facial mist di dalam tas Anda dan gunakan kapan pun Anda merasa lelah dan kulit terasa kering. Ini akan membantu mengembalikan kadar kelembaban, sehingga Anda akan terlihat lebih segar dan lebih muda.
4. Lentikkan bulu mata
Tidak perlu kenakan maskara, cukup lengkungkan bulu mata untuk memberi kesan mata lebih lebar dan Anda pun akan semakin percaya diri. Tip dari Tina Turnbow, penata rias selebriti dunia, jangan lupa pastikan bulu mata Anda dalam kondisi bersih, kering, dan bebas dari sisa maskara. Lalu, jepitlah bulu mata dan tahan selama 10 detik. Ulangi apabila diperlukan.
5. Gunakan retinol di malam hari
Jangan langsung tidur seusai beraktivitas. Oleskan pelembab malam mengandung retinol ke kulit Anda, kemudian baru tidur. Sepanjang malam, retinol yang berasal dari vitamin A ini akan membantu kulit memproduksi lebih banyak kolagen dan membuat kerutan jadi lebih samar. Di pagi hari, kulit akan terlihat lebih segar. "Hindari menggunakan retinol di siang hari, karena kandungannya sangat sensitif terhadap paparan sinar matahari," pesan Dr Khan.
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1. Hindari dehidrasi pada kulit
Semakin kering kulit Anda, maka semakin tua penampilan Anda. Kembalikan rona di wajah dengan menggunakan pelembab yang mengandung antioksidan dan vitamin C, anjur Misbah Khan, MD, asisten profesor di bidang dermatologi klinis pada Weill Cornell Medical College. "Kedua bahan ini akan membantu membuat kulit jadi lebih sehat dan juga kenyal," katanya. Pakailah pelembab pada saat kondisi kulit Anda masih sedikit lembab, agar efeknya lebih terasa.
2. Kenakan pakaian berwarna terang
Warna-warni cerah akan membantu membuat kulit Anda terlihat lebih merona dan segar. "Warna seperti merah akan memberi semburat alami nan segar di pipi Anda," kata Kiran Rai, direktur kreatif dari Sir Alistair Rai, salah satu brand pakaian wanita di Amerika Serikat.
3. Semprotkan facial mist
Jika Anda kurang tidur semalam dan ingin terlihat lebih cerah tanpa bantuan bedak ataupun concealer, coba gunakan facial mist. Semprotkan ke wajah untuk menciptakan kesegaran dalam waktu instan. Jangan lupa untuk selalu membawa facial mist di dalam tas Anda dan gunakan kapan pun Anda merasa lelah dan kulit terasa kering. Ini akan membantu mengembalikan kadar kelembaban, sehingga Anda akan terlihat lebih segar dan lebih muda.
4. Lentikkan bulu mata
Tidak perlu kenakan maskara, cukup lengkungkan bulu mata untuk memberi kesan mata lebih lebar dan Anda pun akan semakin percaya diri. Tip dari Tina Turnbow, penata rias selebriti dunia, jangan lupa pastikan bulu mata Anda dalam kondisi bersih, kering, dan bebas dari sisa maskara. Lalu, jepitlah bulu mata dan tahan selama 10 detik. Ulangi apabila diperlukan.
5. Gunakan retinol di malam hari
Jangan langsung tidur seusai beraktivitas. Oleskan pelembab malam mengandung retinol ke kulit Anda, kemudian baru tidur. Sepanjang malam, retinol yang berasal dari vitamin A ini akan membantu kulit memproduksi lebih banyak kolagen dan membuat kerutan jadi lebih samar. Di pagi hari, kulit akan terlihat lebih segar. "Hindari menggunakan retinol di siang hari, karena kandungannya sangat sensitif terhadap paparan sinar matahari," pesan Dr Khan.
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cantik tanpa makeup,
dehidrasi kulit,
Kulit Katak sebagai Obat Kanker
Peneliti dari Universitas Queens, Belfast, Irlandia Utara, menemukan dua jenis protein di kulit katak, yang berpotensi sebagai obat penyembuh kanker.
"Dua jenis protein yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan pembuluh darah sekaligus digunakan untuk membunuh sel tumor," ujar Chris Shaw, pemimpin tim penelitian kepada BBC News.
Menurut Shaw, kebanyakan sel tumor hanya dapat tumbuh sampai ukuran tertentu sebelum sel itu memerlukan pembuluh darah untuk tumbuh ke dalam tumor guna menyalurkan zat makanan dan zat oksigen yang amat penting.
Dalam penelitian, para ilmuwan menangkapi katak-katak dan mengambil protein hasil sekresi pada kulit, kemudian melepaskannya kembali ke alam bebas. Shaw sendiri menyatakan, ia yakin akan alam punya solusi atas berbagai penyakit yang dihadapi manusia, "Tinggal bagaimana menemukannya."
Penelitian tersebut memperoleh penghargaan untuk penemuan medis dalam Medical Futures Innovation Awards di London baru-baru ini. (National Geographic Indonesia/Gloria Samantha) Read More......
"Dua jenis protein yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan pembuluh darah sekaligus digunakan untuk membunuh sel tumor," ujar Chris Shaw, pemimpin tim penelitian kepada BBC News.
Menurut Shaw, kebanyakan sel tumor hanya dapat tumbuh sampai ukuran tertentu sebelum sel itu memerlukan pembuluh darah untuk tumbuh ke dalam tumor guna menyalurkan zat makanan dan zat oksigen yang amat penting.
Dalam penelitian, para ilmuwan menangkapi katak-katak dan mengambil protein hasil sekresi pada kulit, kemudian melepaskannya kembali ke alam bebas. Shaw sendiri menyatakan, ia yakin akan alam punya solusi atas berbagai penyakit yang dihadapi manusia, "Tinggal bagaimana menemukannya."
Penelitian tersebut memperoleh penghargaan untuk penemuan medis dalam Medical Futures Innovation Awards di London baru-baru ini. (National Geographic Indonesia/Gloria Samantha) Read More......
Friday, June 10, 2011
Penting untuk Anda yang merasa WANITA
Pria merupakan pendengar yang baik, tapi tidak semua pernyataan atau perkataan bisa membuat mereka nyaman mendengarnya.
Survei membuktikan 5 pernyataan terbesar yang membuat pria menjadi malas dengan kamu. Apakah itu?? Inilah lima pernyataan yang harus dihindari saat berbicara dengan pasangan mu,
1. “Aku tidak peduli, terserah kamu..”
Apa yang diharapkan pria adalah adanya saran dari pasangan dalam hubungan. Jangan khawatir apakah dia akan marah jika Anda menyarankan sesuatu yang baru. Misalnya menonton teater atau makan di restoran Jepang. Anda adalah bagian dari hubungan, seperti seperti dia. Pria akan senang dengan jika Anda ikut berinisiatif karena menunjukkan adanya partisipasi Anda dalam hubungan.
2. “Justin Bierber itu keren!”
Berbeda dengan wanita, pria tidak suka memerhatikan tokoh pria yang dikagumi banyak wanita. Jika Anda terus menerus membicarakan superstar tersebut, pria akan malas menanggapi. Baik pria maupun wanita tidak akan suka dibandingkan dengan superstar dan orang-orang hebat lainnya. Mengagumi seseorang adalah hal yang wajar, tapi jangan samapi berlebihan apalagi di depan pasangan Anda.
3. “Apakah baju ini membuat aku gemuk?”
Banyak pria yang tidak ingin menyakiti hati wanita dengan mengatakan mereka berbadan gemuk. Jika Anda menanyakan apakah Anda terlihat kurus menggunakan baju ini, maka jawaban mereka adala ‘iya’. Pria pun akan bosan dan terganggu jika Anda terus menanyakan hal yang sama.
4. “Wanita itu cantik tidak?”
Ada banyak wanita cantik dan seksi lainnya di luar sana. Anda tidak bisa benar-benar mengharapkan pasangan Anda mengatakan bahwa Angelina Jolie bukanlah tipenya. Jangan membicarakan kelebihan wanita lain kecuali dia secara terbuka bermain mata atau menggoda wanita lain di depan Anda. Jika hal tersebut terjadi, sebaiknya pikirkan kembali hubungan Anda. Atau mungkin ada yang salah dengan diri Anda?
5. “Apa yang kamu pikirkan?”
Banyak wanita ingin tahu apa yang dipikirkan pasangan mereka, tapi pria akan menjawab “percayalah, kamu pasti tidak ingin mengetahuinya”. Ada baiknya Anda tidak mengetahui semua yang dipikirkan pria. Pastinya ada rahasia yang yang tidak perlu dibicarakan pada pasanganmu, bukan? Read More......
Survei membuktikan 5 pernyataan terbesar yang membuat pria menjadi malas dengan kamu. Apakah itu?? Inilah lima pernyataan yang harus dihindari saat berbicara dengan pasangan mu,
1. “Aku tidak peduli, terserah kamu..”
Apa yang diharapkan pria adalah adanya saran dari pasangan dalam hubungan. Jangan khawatir apakah dia akan marah jika Anda menyarankan sesuatu yang baru. Misalnya menonton teater atau makan di restoran Jepang. Anda adalah bagian dari hubungan, seperti seperti dia. Pria akan senang dengan jika Anda ikut berinisiatif karena menunjukkan adanya partisipasi Anda dalam hubungan.
2. “Justin Bierber itu keren!”
Berbeda dengan wanita, pria tidak suka memerhatikan tokoh pria yang dikagumi banyak wanita. Jika Anda terus menerus membicarakan superstar tersebut, pria akan malas menanggapi. Baik pria maupun wanita tidak akan suka dibandingkan dengan superstar dan orang-orang hebat lainnya. Mengagumi seseorang adalah hal yang wajar, tapi jangan samapi berlebihan apalagi di depan pasangan Anda.
3. “Apakah baju ini membuat aku gemuk?”
Banyak pria yang tidak ingin menyakiti hati wanita dengan mengatakan mereka berbadan gemuk. Jika Anda menanyakan apakah Anda terlihat kurus menggunakan baju ini, maka jawaban mereka adala ‘iya’. Pria pun akan bosan dan terganggu jika Anda terus menanyakan hal yang sama.
4. “Wanita itu cantik tidak?”
Ada banyak wanita cantik dan seksi lainnya di luar sana. Anda tidak bisa benar-benar mengharapkan pasangan Anda mengatakan bahwa Angelina Jolie bukanlah tipenya. Jangan membicarakan kelebihan wanita lain kecuali dia secara terbuka bermain mata atau menggoda wanita lain di depan Anda. Jika hal tersebut terjadi, sebaiknya pikirkan kembali hubungan Anda. Atau mungkin ada yang salah dengan diri Anda?
5. “Apa yang kamu pikirkan?”
Banyak wanita ingin tahu apa yang dipikirkan pasangan mereka, tapi pria akan menjawab “percayalah, kamu pasti tidak ingin mengetahuinya”. Ada baiknya Anda tidak mengetahui semua yang dipikirkan pria. Pastinya ada rahasia yang yang tidak perlu dibicarakan pada pasanganmu, bukan? Read More......
Thursday, June 9, 2011
IDM 6.06 build 5 Full Patch Keygen
Pada tanggal 30 mei 2011 yang lalu, Internet Download Manager atau yang biasa di sapa IDM merilis versi terbarunya, yakni Internet Download Manager 6.06 Beta Build 5.
Apa yang baru di IDM 6.06 Beta Build 5 :
Mozilla Firefox 5 Final
Download IDM 6.05 build 5 Full Patch Keygen
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Apa yang baru di IDM 6.06 Beta Build 5 :
- Added support for Firefox 5
- Resolved problems with foreign versions of Windows when a username contains hieroglyphs or other Unicode characters
- Improved advanced browser integration
- Fixed bugs
Mozilla Firefox 5 Final
Download IDM 6.05 build 5 Full Patch Keygen
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Monday, June 6, 2011
Panasonic LUMIX DMC-G3
Panasonics LUMIX DMC-G3 offers the benefits of a DSLR interchangeable lens system camera with a point-and-shoot camera's compactness, light weight and simplicity. This reduction in size and weight is thanks to advancements in mirror-free viewfinder technology, and large DSLR format sensors that are more compatible with a new class of compact Micro Four Thirds (MFT) System lenses. This new class of Compact System Cameras (CSC) offers a weight and compactness not seen in traditional DSLRs, for greater portability and creative control. The DMC-G3 provides a traditional DSLR-like experience with an external Mode dial for quick access to common modes like Program, Shutter and Aperture Priority, Manual. Additional dial settings include two Custom Modes, Scene Modes and the new Creative Control Mode. The DMC-G3 provides a dedicated video button that can be used to switch to video capture quickly without changing modes. Like most DSLRs, the DMC-G3 provides a built-in flash and hotshoe for connecting optional LUMIX flashes. The LUMIX G MFT System offers a selection of 11 high performance fixed focal length and variable aperture G Vario zooms, including a highly versatile 3D lens capable of capturing both 2D and 3D images at the same time. There are lens adaptors available for mounting older Leica M and Leica R lenses, including older LUMIX full Four Thirds lenses. An innovative 14-140mm HD G Vario lens provides the best of video and still-image shooting with a long 10x range and near silent high-speed focusing.
Watch Video : Feature Lumix G3 or Description Lumix G3
More Infomation about Panasonic LUMIX DMC-G3 16 MP Micro Four-Thirds Interchangeable Lens Camera with 3-Inch Free-Angle Touch-Screen LCD and 14-42mm Lumix G VARIO f/3.5-5.6 Lens
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Watch Video : Feature Lumix G3 or Description Lumix G3
More Infomation about Panasonic LUMIX DMC-G3 16 MP Micro Four-Thirds Interchangeable Lens Camera with 3-Inch Free-Angle Touch-Screen LCD and 14-42mm Lumix G VARIO f/3.5-5.6 Lens
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Angry Birds for PC
Pernah mendengar game Angry Birds?? Game yang menuai sukses di berbagai platform ini terutama di platform untuk handphone, seperti Android dan iOS, kini sudah ada versi buat pc. Yang akan saya share adalah berbasis windows. Memang game Angry Birds ini sangat seru untuk di mainkan di saat lagi santai atau pun suntuk. Game Angry Bird juga melatih kita untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan. Semakin tinggi level, semakin berat permasalahan, tapi dengan strategi yang jitu akan mudah menyelesaikannya. Game Angry Birds ini membuat saya penasaran bila belum berhasil naik level sehingga mebuat saya ingin mencoba lagi dan lagi.... :)
File download saya pecah menjadi 3 bagian (part). Untuk menggabungkan kembali, kamu cukup menggunakan aplikasi winrar. Extrak file yang pertama, secara otomatis akan tergabung dengan sendirinya.
Download Winrar 4.0
Download Angry Birds for PC:
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File download saya pecah menjadi 3 bagian (part). Untuk menggabungkan kembali, kamu cukup menggunakan aplikasi winrar. Extrak file yang pertama, secara otomatis akan tergabung dengan sendirinya.
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Download Angry Birds for PC:
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