Saturday, October 1, 2011

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the disease most feared women because it can cause death. Therefore, it helps you recognize early symptoms of breast cancer. Here are five symptoms of breast cancer that is often unconscious.

1. Taste Itching, Pain and Expressing Breast
Burning sensation when touching the breasts are signs of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). KPI's can cause breast swelling, irritation and pain onset. In addition KPI also cause redness and even purple like a bruise. KPI initially accompanied by a feeling sore as when pre-menstrual (PMS) as affected by allergies and itching.

2. Upper Back Pain
Usually the pain is located on the upper back area or between the shoulder blades. Backache is almost the same as muscle pain, tendon or osteoarthritis of the spine, so it is quite difficult to distinguish.

3. The existence of Changes In Breast Nipples
If your nipples change shape or color it's worth it immediately went to the doctor. Besides shape and color, nipple bleeding, watery or scaly skin around the nipple become, can be some symptoms of breast cancer.

4. Changing Shape and Size One Breast
Not all lumps are cancer causing considerable. A woman in California to know that he was suffering from breast cancer after seeing that the shape of one of her breasts became more oval, and somewhat lower sticking to one side.

One of the best way to find changes in your breasts is to recognize the shape and appearance as well. Sit facing a mirror and notice the difference. You can also find out if one feels very tight bra cup while others do not.